Single girl in the windy city

Monday, February 19, 2007

Yes, I am alive!

It's been awhile since I've written a blog. Not just because I've been recovering but also scared of jinxing myself again! If you remember my last blog I listed the top ten things I hated about 2006 with butt surgery as number 1! Well, within 12 hours after posting that blog I was in the operating room have my appendix removed! After being released from the hospital I didn't have the greatest recovery. The following Sunday after my surgery I wasn't feeling the greatest so to take my mind off the pain in my side I decided to work on my blog. I didn't get it finished because I got feeling so bad that I had to lie down. Once again within 12 hours I was back in the hospital and was admitted with a huge infection in my abdomen. I'm hoping after posting this blog I won't be making a trip to the ER in the morning!

On a much more positive note....I have some of the greatest friends in the world! When you got sick when you were a kid your mom would take care of you. When you get older you hope that your husband or boyfriend will take your mom's place. But if you find yourself single and in a different state than your parents you have to lean on your friends. Well, in the past month I have done a lot of leaning and I've been held up by some terrific people.

Becky: Thank you so much for taking such good care of me. For staying with me for several nights. Thanks for coming and keeping me company in the ER and in the hospital. I treasure your friendship very much!

Kim and Stephen: The most amazing people I know. Your generosity has no bounds. Thank you so much for coming and rescuing me and letting me recover at your home. I can't tell you how much that helped with my recovery.

Even though I have been through so much in the past month, I am very thankful for many things...or I should say people!


Blogger Kim said...

Yippee, welcome back to the world of blogging - I've missed you!

I know being sick sucked for you, but I really enjoyed your company. You are more than welcome to be sick at our place anytime! :)

2:38 PM  

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