Single girl in the windy city

Monday, April 23, 2007

Two Weeks in Indy

Almost a month ago I got a phone call from my mom saying that she had to take my dad to the emergency room in Logansport because he had a nose bleed that wouldn't stop. I told her to keep me posted. A couple hours later I got another call from her saying that she was taking him to St. Vincent because my dad's platelet count was dangerously low.


An average person has a platelet count somewhere between 150,000 to 400,000. They normally don't bother to say "hundred thousand" and simplify it down to 150 to 400.

My dad's count was 5! So I packed up some stuff and my dog and headed to Indianapolis..via Logansport to drop off Bailey. I got to Indy around 8:30p.m. My dad looked ok. I hadn't seen him since my appendectomy so he did look a little weak to me but over all I thought he was ok. He definitely didn't look like a man with a count of 5.

I spent the night at Kim and Stephen's. Once again they came through for me in the most spectacular way. God bless them both because a couple nights turned into 2 weeks! My dad hit rock bottom a couple days later when he was put on oxygen, his platelet count was so low that it didn't register, his sodium level had dropped and was at the point where he could fall into a comma and that would be it. But he bounced back. He was released after and 18 day stay at the lovely St. Vincent hospital.

He still is not the greatest. He had a rough weekend but his count is now up to 64. They check it every week. I know he is starting to wear thin on his braveness but I'll tell you appendectomy doesn't seem like that big of a deal anymore!

I also want to take this time to thank everyone who has helped out. Everyone who came to the hospital, who sent cards, who sent up prayers...I will never be able to pay you back but I will try!


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