Single girl in the windy city

Sunday, April 27, 2008


...what the hell. I just don't understand them. The dentist and I have gone out a few times. I'm assuming he's just not that into me because he hasn't tried to kiss me. But he wants to walk me home, buy me drinks, oh yeah and let's not forget burn kids movies for his office! Does he like me??? We met on so you would think that if he's still talking to me, he's interested. He also told the waiter at dinner that we were dating. Aside from the fact that he hasn't made a move yet we go weeks in between times we see each other. At least now we do talk on the phone regularly. I'm so confused and slightly pissed off but that's probably because I haven't gotten any for awhile. I want to just ask him if he interested but usually that makes them run the other way.... ugh

Friday, April 25, 2008

The things I do for others....

PATHETIC!! My ass is up at 2:42 a.m. all dressed and ready to go to meet my friend Michael for a drink. He started texting me an hour ago and I got up and got ready. He stopped texting me about the same time I finished getting ready. I don't know where he is...he doesn't know where he is either. And now I'm up and awake and all dressed with no place to go. The sad part is that I'm still waiting for a text...knowing that as soon as I wipe the make up off and put the PJs back on he's going to text me and me being the nice girl will get up again and get ready!!! Pathetic I know. If I got to see Michael more maybe I wouldn't be so, I probably would still be.

UGHHH!!! Ok I'm going to bed...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Back Stabbers

We all know people that we can't trust. We all know those people in our lives that if we say something to them they will not only tell everyone else but they twist things around to make you look as bad as possible. Unfortunately sometimes we have to work with these people. I work with one. I've known for awhile that this person can't be trusted but I found out today that she had done a review of my job at work. My practice manager read me some of the things that she had written about me...I could tell she was skipping over the worst parts which has me concerned. Especially since this review goes to corporate and they decide our raises for the year. Now I know that I'm not the greatest employee in the world but some of the things that she said was just plain cruel. I don't expect people to think that I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread and I'm even sure there are some people that think I'm a bitch but a "horrible employee"...well, I'm just not.

I do all the things asked of me, go above and beyond my job description, I have clients that love me, I've even brought work home with me.... Hey Back stabber, IT'S ON, IT'S ON LIKE DONKEY KONG!!!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I've started to wonder if life is just a series of ex's. Not just ex lovers or ex boyfriends or ex husbands but ex friends as well. Most of us can remember are first best friend. Those fun times we had in elementary school when we would have sleepovers. I actually had a boy as one of my best friends and we could never figure out why our parents wouldn't let us have sleepover.

Some friends stay in your life and some don't. People change as they grow up or just plain grow. I've been thinking more about friendship the past couple of weeks after I found out that Pete was engaged. I thought we were fairly close friends. In fact, we had just discussed our friendship and how much it met to me that he was there when my dad died. Then he gets engaged and he doesn't even call to tell me. I found out from someone else and I even called and left a message to tell him that I knew and still nothing. Of course last Friday night I got shit faced and called and left a not-so-nice message on his voice mail and I'll probably never speak to him again. I guess the "Pete" chapter in my life is over... even though I didn't get a say.

I had really thought that no matter what Pete would always be a part of my life in some way. I knew we would never get back together. I didn't want to marry him. We don't work. But I never thought he would stop returning my calls or stop caring about me. He had to know me finding out that he got engaged after six months would be hard for me but to assume that I would just read on facebook he was engaged...damn, that's harsh.

So I guess even after we grow up and become the person that we will be, friends are still able to be loss. But I look at the quality of friends I have right now...they are fabulous! I have some of the best friends in the entire world. I've had the year from hell and they have been there for me every step of the way. I just want you all to know, I love you!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Men currently in my life

So here's the latest:

Gene: Apparently he's mad at me. Why? I don't know. Do I ever know what he's thinking?!?! So maybe we're done or maybe he's just PMSing. Possibility of marriage: none

Michael: I still see him occasionally. He only comes in town every month or so. We do the dinner thing and then he flies out the next day. Possibility of marriage: very unlikely, seeing each other once a month does not make a relationship.

Ian (the dentist): We are suppose to "hang out" sometime this week. Whether this happens or not...I'm going to go with not. We "hang out" about once a month and nothing happens. I'm not sure if he's even interested or just hoping I can find him new clients. Possibility of marriage: Can't say....don't really know him

Trey: Yes, Trey is back in the picture. We've hung out the past couple of weekends but we all know his history so the likelihood of him freaking out and sending me a text ending things...very likely. Possibility of marriage: the year 2050

Joe: (He will be a one time posting) Went on a date with him Saturday. Dinner and movie date. He's a handy man that tans. Yes, you read that right. Enough said. Possibility of marriage: zero Possibility of a second date: zero


I know I haven't been the best at posting but I'm going to start to post everyday in hopes of maybe starting to write a book. Yes, I know how very uncool and self important of me. But I've been told so many times by so many people that I should write a book about my life so I'm going to try this first and see what happens. Considering most of you know me these may not be the "newest" news to you. :)