Single girl in the windy city

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Back Stabbers

We all know people that we can't trust. We all know those people in our lives that if we say something to them they will not only tell everyone else but they twist things around to make you look as bad as possible. Unfortunately sometimes we have to work with these people. I work with one. I've known for awhile that this person can't be trusted but I found out today that she had done a review of my job at work. My practice manager read me some of the things that she had written about me...I could tell she was skipping over the worst parts which has me concerned. Especially since this review goes to corporate and they decide our raises for the year. Now I know that I'm not the greatest employee in the world but some of the things that she said was just plain cruel. I don't expect people to think that I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread and I'm even sure there are some people that think I'm a bitch but a "horrible employee"...well, I'm just not.

I do all the things asked of me, go above and beyond my job description, I have clients that love me, I've even brought work home with me.... Hey Back stabber, IT'S ON, IT'S ON LIKE DONKEY KONG!!!!!


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